24. aug. 2009

Vanilla Gate

Vanilla Gate fell into my lap by accident, my friend was asking about it and I had no idea what it was. But none the less it’s cute, and it really does look interesting.

Vanilla Gate is a mix of an MMORPG, a console game and an education system. There is the typical interesting back story that everyone should read but you don’t get to see much of it in the beginning of the game.

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Sadly, there isn’t any town to walk around in and talk to NPCs and so on: You need to choose Game Mode. There are Team, Single and Quest. Within Team and Single Mode there are other different modes of how you play the game: Time Attack, Taking Flag, Bumming Run, Death Match, Sudden Death, Crazy and Vanilla King.

I spent most of my time running around in the Quest Mode, there are different quests you choose from and in that quests there are several different maps you can go through and you can repeat the same one several times.

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But why want to repeat? Well, each quest map will want you to collect all the letters of a word. Simple words like World, Island, and Ill. When you get all the letters you’ll get a card that will reward you with things such as EXP, money (bread looking thing). But it’s not always you’ll find all the letters and finish the quest at the same time so you repeat. Great thing with it, is even if you don’t finish in one round: Next time it still counts as you already got the letter.

Vanilla Gate don’t got classes, you can buy skills and change weapon as you please. This way you can have both melee and magic skills on one character: Bad thing is that there is only room for 3 skills at the same time so it’s important that you choose wisely.

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Then there’s the pet system, their cute, their adorable but they take time to get. Why? Because when you buy them as an egg you can’t even use them. You need 10 ore looking things to evolve it into a kid (They say kid, but it’s not like a human child. Just a kid pet) These ores you can get from quests, and you can buy them from the shop: But either way it will take a long time before you end up with a pet.

Overall, I honestly think it’s a game worth to try. Especially if you like other MMORPGs like Tales Runner or Grand Chase. Vanilla Gate might not be as fast paced as Tales Runner, nor as PvP related as Grand Chase but it’s built up the same way and definitely worth a try.

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What made me Like Vanilla Gate?
- Great Graphics
- No Cash shop, but Have Fashion
- Can change angle
- Different Game Modes
- Can buy Skills
- A lot of different areas
- Good back story
- Has JUMPING! <3
What made me Dislike Vanilla Gate?
- Bad explained on whats the weird things on the ground
- Need a lot of material to Enchant items.
- Mini Icon of yourself doesn’t change according to your looks
- Randomly threw me into Window Mode with no option to get it back unless I restart the game.

What to do in Luna Online?

I decided to show off a part of a guide I wrote back when I was playing Luna Online Active, and I think if your interesting in cute games you might like what you see

In Luna Online there is a nice dating system! Go see the family manager in Alker harbor and register yourself, add your likes and dislike and you can go on a date with ANYONE who have more then 30% in common. If your lucky enough to get over 80% there will be a heart alarm over each other heads that no one but you two can see.
You can fish! You can fish for hours and hour nonstop. You can gain fish to trade for fishing points which you can trade for interesting items like a funky looking hat with stats on it! Or you can be as lucky to get a fish which looks like it’s made of pure gold, by double clicking on it you can get some cool items, even cash shop items like map scrolls and exp scrolls!
Find a family and get a farm! You can have animals, plants and your own family storage. Depending on the plant and level you can get all kinds of things, like HQ gems and materials to create enchant scrolls.
Of course it’s not free! There is a weekly fee of 500k, if it’s not paid you will loose your farm. So even if all 60 spots is taken on a server you can hunt weekly for unpaid farms, or for families who needs an extra member because they cannot farm unless they have 5 people in their family!
Kill them! Slay them all! You’ll have a chance of getting fun items, even fashion :3
And if your bored you always got the monsters keeping you company!
If you get tired of grinding you can always hunt bosses! There is a set of bosses on every map so your bound to have some around your level too. If your lucky you might get some kick ass item on the side of the good exp^^
In Luna there is also a nice dueling and PK system, PK has a lot of bad sides with it but is also fun! PK can only happen at selective maps at higher level, some of them are red orc outpost and the way to howling ravine. Dueling however, can happen anywhere you choose. A box will pop up around the two duelers and you cannot move away from that box. and it’ll last a minute or till one of them dies.

  • - Luna is Mouse Controlled, you cannot move around with W/A/S/D
  • - Luna has Auto Loot, great for us lazy people.
  • - The Farm is connected through all the channels
  • - Click N to write an Note to your offline friends!
  • - Your HP will regenerate every 4 seconds
  • - Your MP will regenerate every 6 seconds
  • - You regenerate faster when your Sitting.
  • - You get 36 slots free in the storage! The next 36 slots costs 100k
  • (More then that is cash shop only)
  • - You can buy more inventory space through the cash shop
-CTRL+Z: Makes it so everything goes away so you can take a good screenshot.
-CTRL+up arrow: Quick reply to whispers.
-HOME: Opens the chatroom
-F1-F6: Switches between your party members, very useful if your a supporter class so you can easily buff/heal them.
-ALT+drag to another spot in your inventory: separates the items
Depending on how many minutes your logged in, and how many monster you’ve killed You’ll gain different grades of Blessed Time Crystal and Blessed Protection Crystal. You will gain a new one every 100 minute/kill or so.
Level up gift boxes! No they do not level you up, different level boxes give different things. Everything from cash shop buffs, exp scrolls, and equipment.
Levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 55 are the levels you got a box to open.
If you end up getting glitched and don’t get a box, please send a mail to the GMs.

And if all this isn’t enough to keep you at Luna Online, don’t forget to explore the magical world of Luna, where every map has a scenery of it’s own!

Luna Online

Luna Online is an amazing game, I honestly don’t play it any longer and the reason is kind of complicated but it don’t change the fact it’s plain amazing.

It’s your typical 360degree point and click game but they have a huge span of additional features so it’s bound to be worth your time! Some of these features are fishing, farming, dating and construction system.


You’ll be clicking your fingers sore trying to get as many “perfect hits” as possible in fishing, getting the rare golden fish and turtle can give you rare treasures so it’s worth your time. Farming can keep you occupied for hours as you tend to both farm animals and plants with your family and of course there are special rewards in this as well as the fun of doing it.


When you first start Luna Online you’ll be able to Apply for Resident, you fill in a card with your Age, Region, Likes and Dislike. This is mostly used for Dating, some have high enough matching with you to set off an heart alarm but mostly everyone can go on a date with you. A date, is usually the date dungeon which you can use 3 times a day. It’s easy, and great exp so a lot of friends do it just for fun.
Luna_02_090611_035133_001In most other games you need to follow a certain path in your job tree, Luna Online is different. They offer a huge class tree and you can jump in between each path at any class change. You don’t need to stick with being a healer from the beginning to the end: You can easily change from being a healer to being a damager and still keep all the skills from your healer class. This way you can shape in your character to fit your needs perfectly.

What made me Like Luna Online?
- Bosses on every monster map.
- Fishing
- Farming
- Dating
- Capsule rewards for monster kills and online time
- Item/Equipment creation system
- Easy tutorial
- Equipment set bonuses
- Level up Boxes
What made me Dislike Luna Online?
- Little originality in monsters
- They use the same monsters in higher levels just with different weapon etc etc.
- Cash shop in the Browser
- Heavy penality for PK
- Deaths in PK/GuildWars spawn in no safe zones so theres a lot of spawn killing.

Tales Runner Movies

Legend of Edda trailer

Wonderking Trailer


WonderKing is a 2d side scrolling game thats currently being hosted by nDOORS interactive, and I’ll just start off by saying it’s not a maple clone. I know a lot of people take one look and then say it’s a maple clone but what do they know? I’m sure they never looked it up, or read what kind of different systems they offered.

I’m not going to say maple is bad, maple is just a community game before it’s a good MMORPG. Now wonderking offers a lot of things that will make people say it’s a lot better then maple story.
  • Cooking system: With items you collect from monsters you can cook up different food and drinks that can heal your HP/MP and do other handy things.
  • Mining system: Buy pixel axes and start mining you can use those items and items from monsters to create equipment later on.
  • House system: To come in the future but I hear you can decorate your own house.
  • Pet system: They will actually help you in battle as a friend!
  • Attendance check: You get one attendance check when you’ve been online for an hour, after 5 check’s you get different rewards.
  • Transformation: You can collect 3 cards from monsters and transform into them!
  • Minimap: You can see Monsters on MiniMap
  • WorldMap: You can see what Monsters are on each map.
  • Maps: Are also huge so no more “CC Pl0x”
  • Party: You gain party exp for each monster you kill, you can cash it in as exp or money.
  • Movement: You can doublejump, dash and jump down
  • Auction House: Easier to sell items and equipment

The tutorial in WonderKing is easy to learn and fast, no unneeded conversations that will only annoy you, the monsters fits the environment and wasn’t overused expect their “logo” monster Puma. You will walk into the farm and see carrots. You will walk into a beach and see squids. Unlike Maple Story they put a lot of work on backgrounds, they actually look good compared to most of MS: And you can jump up on a lot of things which have no meaning at all but it’s fun.
They have different party quests and mission maps, some you need to clear the map before the time runs out, others you need to kill a hard boss and then there are those where you need to protect something.
If your afraid of the grind then I have to disappoint you you need to grind to level, and you can’t 1-2 hit an enemy but on the good side the EXP curve is steady and not like an iceberg like some games that suddenly go from easy to super hard in an level.

Trickster Online

Trickster Online is a game you will either love or hate, but no matter what most MMOers have tried it atleast once their lifetime. If you look at the overview trickster is an confusing game because there are so many things to learn but thats probably because it’s a huge game.
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They have a lot of features like Refining, Compounding, Drilling, Boss systems and Pets.
One of the things that I really enjoy with Trickster is their original class feature: They have animal classes which they divide into Power, Magic, Sense and Charm and the jobs are just as original. You will see jobs such as Teacher, Archeologist, Engineer, Shaman, Schoolgirl and Model.
They used to have this hour long tutorial zone which drove me nuts but they changed that into a fast learning 5 minute map which teaches you all the controls you need and the rest you’ll learn as you go with quests and such.
Trickster Online has a huge cash shop, the good thing with it is that it’s actually cheap compared to most other MMORPGs, but the bad thing is that not everyone can afford spending money on a game.
I also want to mention the fact that Trickster always have events, and not just one event but many events at the same time. Some Cash Shop related, some Not. Some for High Levels, some for Low Levels. This way I feel that There is always a new reason to go back and say Hello to Trickster.

What made me Like Trickster?
- Always have Quests.
- A lot of Different Quests.
- Cute, Colorful and Entertaining.
- High Level Cap (400)
- Pets offer different stats
- Different partytypes depending on whose in the party
- You can buy and decorate your own house
- Cute Monster Design
What made me Dislike Trickster?
- Takes time to get used to using Skills.
- Pets don’t fight alongside with us
- It has NightTime which only leaves us with a a small circle of light
- Sense character better at drilling then others
- Slow Walking and Combat


Wonderland Online is an unique MMORPGs, it feels like your typical old school RPG nintendo game. It even has the typical story of one where your on a boat and the next moment you find yourself deserted on an unknown island with no idea how to get back to your own life!

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When you first create a character in WonderLand you choose different people, they have different looks, stats and beginner skills but you also get 6 additional stats when you create your character to make it fit your future.
Wonderland Online offers a lot of game features such as Fishing, Manufacture, Compound, Siege, and Pets. I think the feature I found most interesting was the housing system: You get a tent early on for free and it’s empty and ugly but you can decorate it into your own personal plaza! And it don’t cost cash shop at all! You can actually create everything from items you gotten from monsters and such.
It has it’s flaws, and personally it wasn’t the kind of MMORPG I’m looking for. But if your intrested in a good game with anime characters, uniqe backgrounds with a story splashed together with some game features then this is the game for you!
WonderLand Online, Hosted by iGG

-What made me Like this game?

- Can capture any monster as your own pet!
- Free housing system WOOT!!
- Get to choose an element when creating character for your skills
- Great compound and Manufacture system..

What made me Dislike this game?

- Some items takes more then one slot in inventory
- Bad pixelated graphics
- Turnbased
- Can use arrow keys but not W/A/S/D
- Unoriginal Monsters
- Hard to read conversations

Tales Runner

So here I was thinking I could avoid work and just relax with some manga all weekend long, but of course my roommate had to want to play a racing game AND of course I had to complain how ugly it was looking and that he should rather try one of the cute racing game that is around: I suggested Tales Runner.

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Even thought I’ve never tried Tales Runner I have seen it around, but I can’t control anything thats related to sports or driving so why on earth would I try it? But I did with my buddy and Guess what.

I kicked ass!

Tales Runner offers easy controls, with a easy to learn tutorial with great rewards! =D Alright so it’s not your typical fantasy related MMORPGs that your probably looking for but I can guarantee you that Tales Runner is something your just going to love.
It has the cuteness you crave, which is probably why your on this blog but they offer a lot of things besides that: Different characters with different looks and stats, farm, different game modes, minigames with rewards, and a huge pool of different racing maps to choose from.

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Tales Runner is a fast paced, action packed racing game by Gpotato. You race by foot not by car, you can Swim, Run, Sprint, DoubleJump, and even Fly on some tracks. The standard 8-man race it’s all about reaching the goal before anyone else, where you can pick up capsules which can give you bonuses or give the other people around you bad things. These can be everything from a curse that slows them down, to a chicken that knocks them on their butt to transforming them into a slow no jumping cute animal. Of course you can avoid all of these if your skilled but some of them are quite hard to avoid.
Tales Runner also offer a 30- man race where players isn’t just racing with each other their also escaping an enormous boss chasing them around the track.

Choose your Race!

Yeah a lot of the things in the cash shop can give extra stats, but you’ll soon realize it’s not that big of a deal. Why? Because as you level up, or are in races you’ll gain something that is called TR: TR you can buy certain cash shop items with like fashion: Some with stats some without. You can also use TR to buy more farm items.
For you that enjoy wasting your entire wallet on a game: You can also switch ingame cash for TR.
This of course brings me to the farm, which is probably what I love the most about Tales Runner: You get your own piece of land that you may decorate any way you like. Bad side is that it costs 1000TR a month, but that’s not a lot considering you get 11,000TR from the tutorial alone and if you do the guide quest you get a dorky looking hat that will give you an extra 100TR per race.
Tales Runner growing plant

Farm items, plans, animals and background all costs TR but you get quite a lot just by paying those 1000TR for the first time which means you don’t need to wait and save TR to start your farm and grow plants and animals: You can start right away and you can also let the farm be open to the public and your friends so you can have a party!
Alchemy is also another thing they offer which is good but personally I find it annoying:  At the end of every race you have a chance to get a card, each race track has it’s own set of cards. Now Alchemy needs specific cards to create items, equipment and so on that all give stats so if you put your mind into it you can rock up your body without even entering the cash shop. Bad side is that they need like 10 cards of the most common ones and 4 or so with those that’s a bit rarer. So your bound to do the same race over and over for a decage or so.


If you just want to make some friends and not race you can always just sit around in the park and chat with random people. I dislike racing and sports games, but this really hit a spot in my heart. Next I should probably go try that cute golf game that annoys me every time I see it: I mean, it’s soo darn cute I don’t see a lot of MMORPGs that is that cute but no of course make the golf game cute enough to take down presidents.
What made me Like Tales Runner?
- Farm system
- Alchemy system
- Who ever wins chooses the next track
- Simple controls
- Single player options
- Race with up to 30 players
- Option to turn off black outlines
- Own messenger option for friends
- Different themes on different tracks: desert, snow land, princess and the frog, Alice in wonderland.
What made me Dislike Tales Runner?
- Hackers
- May make your finger sore for spamming the jump buttom to come fast down or fast up a rope

Scions of Fate

So, it had to come. The day my friend randomly spit out a MMORPG name, and the day he tried to doom me for hell. I, honesty have tried Scions of Fate before for like a few minutes or so, either way couldn’t have been long.
I am dreading, I am honestly dreading my time for this game and I hope that profound hate will make it better then it actually is.

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So you enter the world with no tutorial for newbies and no idea who to talk too because there are no signs! Well of course you talk to the first person you see and wow, Quest Lady Tae, got it!
But then she says make it to the 10th level on your own. I mean WTF wheres the noob guidance! Don’t make me work I want to be spoiled by noob guidance NPCs!! Over dramatize I know I know..

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Good thing theres Auto Loot, bad thing we’re killing cats. Adorable Gray Cats. Somewhere out there the creator of Scions of Fate is getting haunted down by Cat Assassins to pay for his horrible mistake >_>
Oh, but my fault there is only Auto Loot on quest items and gold, other items just drop very very rare.
I guess I should actually give them a point for putting in realistic monsters, but come on no kids really want to slay cute furry animals such as cats and foxes, toads sure I can kill toads.

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But for a cheap made game the graphics isn’t that bad, in fact their better then most of the games I’d want to play daily. But the lack of customization and scenery change just makes you not think so highly off it.
I kind of like the skills, if I ignore I don’t get any combat skills till I’m level 10 then yes I like the skills. There are two sets of skills: Abilities and skills. Skills are your typical thing, for me as a healer I get heals, buffs and attacks. You need to hit the right level and gather up “Ki” to buy them. Ability on the other hand are more like Passive Skills. You get one point each level which you can put into more hp, or greater heal and so on.

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But in the end, I met nice people and I had a good time even though the grind was rather annoying. And when I finally hit level 10 and got my kick ass Skill I was in Heaven <3 But my time here is much easier since they have this summer even that gives you tons of great potions.
But as those random friends I made told me, Scions of Fate gets better with the levels and I got a bit of that, at level 10 we got this suuuuper weapon with the most awesome damage. Of course it would only last 2 hours so using that time right would be good: Go to a high level area and kill.
But honestly, I’d only recommend this game to people that don’t mind mindless grind.

What made me Like Scions of Fate?
- Could choose your own voice
- Whenever you get a quest a Pigeon comes and tell you
- Good Recovery System
- There is Flowers.

What made me Dislike Scions of Fate?
- No Mage Class
- Point and Click
- Cat Killers
- No guidance for new people
- Few quests
- No Stats
- If monsters goes out of range you stop attacking
- Weight Limit
- Can’t trade nor add friends till level 10.


I never tried Qworld before simply because it was made by Perfect World, and since most games from Perfect World usually have A LOT in common and simply feel like a cheap rip off of lazy work and greedy people who want to take advantage of your wallet.

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Well because of this I had some expectations from the game, and I have seen the trailers both Ether Saga and Qworld had skills, or pets in the trailer which I knew very well came from Perfect World. So you should have seen the disappointment when I could not walk into the water, O yes forget shortcuts you would only get stuck if you tried walking over weird shaped landscape or water.
But what Qworld does have to offer is a change of scenery, I by mistake ended up taking a quest that threw me out on adventure for half an hour spending 5minute or so in each town some were plain, some were simply pretty.

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At first I thought the fact they had adorable pets in town as a great cuteness factor, but as the trip continued, I found out they had just been lazy because the exact same animal were in every town.
And then Sadly Qworld isn’t even on an American nor an Europe server yet so with them having so many servers and the huge time difference you might feel lonely till you get to higher levels.

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Fun thing was that their raccoons sounds like cats but else then that I didn’t quite enjoy the first 10 levels as a Rookie. And 10 levels doesn’t sound so bad now does it? Well it does if you end up using a decade killing one monster at a time, and you get quests to kill 20-30 of them.
Yes, my time in Qworld was more like a nightmare grindfest then enjoyable cuteness and just as I was only 1 level from my first job change I got hit by the huge truck of having to kill 50 monsters.

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But I’m not dumb, I can see the potential it may have: Pet system, Mount system, Production, Auto Walk, people are already level 100 so it has to be active at some point. But besides the hole it having a bit cuteness in it, I wouldn’t recommend anyone to play it.
If you don’t mind the grind, and you think it looks interesting I’ll rather point my finger toward Ether Saga then sticking with Qworld.

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After all, to me it almost feels that since Ether Saga came 2nd it’s kinda like the outcome of Qworlds failure as a game for at least Ether Saga has some more to offer.
I was going to wait til my job change before I added anything about Qworld, because god knows maybe it goes super easy as fast as you get a job and it becomes enjoying. But if you want to try it out: Go do it yourself.
What made me Like Qworld?
- Amazing skill Graphics
- Auto Walk
- Everyone gets a Pet
- Could transform into animals.
What made me Dislike Qworld?
- Hair change with equipment
- No Stat Points
- No Swimming
- Ugly map
- Asian Letters on Minimap
- Heavy grind from low level
- Boring quests


I don’t quite know how I pull it off, but every time I try NosTale something happens that makes me hate it and honestly I’ve never made it past the Explorer job. First time my pet got stuck somewhere and I had to use forever to walk them together. This time I didn’t get job level 20 till I was 18 myself, and as little as it may sound trust me it was like being in a boot camp from hell. Without spamming pots I had to sit on my ass after every monster I killed else I’d probably die a horrible death and trust me I was close to quitting but then I made it.

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Mage. O my lovely Mage. I could finally two hit monsters, sometimes 3. My HP went down a lot but I didn’t have to sit on my butt after every monster and I can finally write a review of NosTale without the cloud of hatred for the game.
But yes, it don’t change the bad point of NosTale of slow walking and slow combat up to job change. It dosn’t change boring conversations you have to struggle your eyes through but Nostale DOES have it’s good points only if you manage to survive the beginner class.

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NosTale offers a great pet system or as they call it “Nosmates” You can tame almost every monster you find and level them up and they will fight as your companion. Unlike other pet systems you can actually switch to your pet and walk around or kill monsters by yourself while your character rests or does something else.
NosTale also have something called Stone of Timespace, a mission dungeon. You can go in them for fun, but you most likely have to go in there for quests either way. It’s interesting and fun, it has timers and sometimes even puzzels along side with monster killing and at the end you get an reward. Bad side with this is that you can easily get tired because their rather an repeatable dungeon design.

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NosTale also has a housing system, buy them with the gold you earn from monsters or through cash shop – Build your own house and garden for you and your pets! With the housing system you can have your own warehouse in the house, and even a place for all your production activities.
What made me Like NosTale?
- Housing System
- Pet System
- Cute Design
- Indebt skill system
- Mining
- Dungeon
- Can turn Screen
What made me Dislike NosTale?
- Slow Walk
- Slow Combat
- Repetive Dungeon Design
- Have to Right Click to get information on Items/Equipment/Skills
- Long and Boring conversations
- Can’t use W/A/S/D

Monato Esprit

Monato Esprit has a special system where you choose a star sign and a season for your character, you can of course pick your own star sign and the season of the year that you enjoy the most but be aware! Each star sign and season give different passive skills, some give more HP, others give physical defense and so on so you can also use it to suit the kind of character you want to create.

The long conversations in Monato Esprit really did turn me off, they had lines for your own character and a picture that represents you which changes with which class you decide to go for but the hair and color is completely different from what you may choose in character creation so for me it felt more that I was playing in some kind of anime game. But a lot of people like a good story! I personally prefer living my own ;D
Monato Esprit isn’t that much of a cute game, the graphics are dated while they seem rather gray and dull. But if you don’t mind dated graphics then these small chibis that run funny might just be the game for you!
Sadly, this game wasn’t something for me, I finally get my character to level 5 after the tutorial with super long conversations and picked mage: It sent me on a quest to a garden and I was told to collect 6 quest item from a level 2 and a level 1 monster. Easy I’m thinking: But guess what.
They hurt, and took long to kill even with using skills. My exp bar went to 100% but I didn’t level.

Confused and annoyed I killed a million monster and finally got my quest items and when I got myself back to town and became a mage: It also made me level 1 again.  A million quests popped up around me and I started collecting, but I could only carry 20 quests at the same time. I decided to log off: I’ve seen enough.
What made me like this game?
- Star sign give passive stats
- Monsters were kinda cute
- Easy to Learn
- Healing spots in town.
What made me dislike this game?
- Hard to kill lower levels? -> Grind hell in future?
- Normal attack gets canceled
- No stat points
- Can’t see Npcs on maps
- Can only see quest icons on minimap
-Turns back to level 1 at first job advancement
- Dated graphics


©2009 Cute - MMORPGs | by TNB