I decided to show off a part of a guide I wrote back when I was playing Luna Online Active, and I think if your interesting in cute games you might like what you see
In Luna Online there is a nice dating system! Go see the family manager in Alker harbor and register yourself, add your likes and dislike and you can go on a date with ANYONE who have more then 30% in common. If your lucky enough to get over 80% there will be a heart alarm over each other heads that no one but you two can see.
You can fish! You can fish for hours and hour nonstop. You can gain fish to trade for fishing points which you can trade for interesting items like a funky looking hat with stats on it! Or you can be as lucky to get a fish which looks like it’s made of pure gold, by double clicking on it you can get some cool items, even cash shop items like map scrolls and exp scrolls!
Find a family and get a farm! You can have animals, plants and your own family storage. Depending on the plant and level you can get all kinds of things, like HQ gems and materials to create enchant scrolls.
Of course it’s not free! There is a weekly fee of 500k, if it’s not paid you will loose your farm. So even if all 60 spots is taken on a server you can hunt weekly for unpaid farms, or for families who needs an extra member because they cannot farm unless they have 5 people in their family!
Of course it’s not free! There is a weekly fee of 500k, if it’s not paid you will loose your farm. So even if all 60 spots is taken on a server you can hunt weekly for unpaid farms, or for families who needs an extra member because they cannot farm unless they have 5 people in their family!
Kill them! Slay them all! You’ll have a chance of getting fun items, even fashion :3
And if your bored you always got the monsters keeping you company!
If you get tired of grinding you can always hunt bosses! There is a set of bosses on every map so your bound to have some around your level too. If your lucky you might get some kick ass item on the side of the good exp^^
In Luna there is also a nice dueling and PK system, PK has a lot of bad sides with it but is also fun! PK can only happen at selective maps at higher level, some of them are red orc outpost and the way to howling ravine. Dueling however, can happen anywhere you choose. A box will pop up around the two duelers and you cannot move away from that box. and it’ll last a minute or till one of them dies.
- - Luna is Mouse Controlled, you cannot move around with W/A/S/D
- - Luna has Auto Loot, great for us lazy people.
- - The Farm is connected through all the channels
- - Click N to write an Note to your offline friends!
- - Your HP will regenerate every 4 seconds
- - Your MP will regenerate every 6 seconds
- - You regenerate faster when your Sitting.
- - You get 36 slots free in the storage! The next 36 slots costs 100k
- (More then that is cash shop only)
- - You can buy more inventory space through the cash shop
-CTRL+Z: Makes it so everything goes away so you can take a good screenshot.
-CTRL+up arrow: Quick reply to whispers.
-HOME: Opens the chatroom
-F1-F6: Switches between your party members, very useful if your a supporter class so you can easily buff/heal them.
-ALT+drag to another spot in your inventory: separates the items
-CTRL+up arrow: Quick reply to whispers.
-HOME: Opens the chatroom
-F1-F6: Switches between your party members, very useful if your a supporter class so you can easily buff/heal them.
-ALT+drag to another spot in your inventory: separates the items
Depending on how many minutes your logged in, and how many monster you’ve killed You’ll gain different grades of Blessed Time Crystal and Blessed Protection Crystal. You will gain a new one every 100 minute/kill or so.
Level up gift boxes! No they do not level you up, different level boxes give different things. Everything from cash shop buffs, exp scrolls, and equipment.
Levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 55 are the levels you got a box to open.
If you end up getting glitched and don’t get a box, please send a mail to the GMs.
Levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 55 are the levels you got a box to open.
If you end up getting glitched and don’t get a box, please send a mail to the GMs.
And if all this isn’t enough to keep you at Luna Online, don’t forget to explore the magical world of Luna, where every map has a scenery of it’s own!
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